Friday, October 29, 2010

The Event – S1 E06 – “Loyalty”

We finally get a little back story into Simon and then he goes and (presumably) gets himself killed. I’m sure next episode we’ll find out that inhumans are exceptionally hardy or he managed to get inside a pocket of safety or something. I mean, he is a main character so I doubt they would just kill him like that, but I guess there is always the chance.

Anyways, in 1954 Simon fell in love with a human girl, but had to leave her to go do something with Thomas. He meets her again ten years prior to the main story as an old lady and reconfirms his love to her, even though she is an old lady. In the present, Simon’s cover is blown when he helps Sophia escape by stealing from the CIA to confuse their tracking of her. Sophia escapes with Thomas as they black hole the building they were in. Simon decides to help out the agents that might be in the building.

Meanwhile, Sean and Leila decide to track down information about her parents by themselves and leave Agent Collier behind with Carter, one of the villains. Carter told Leila that her family was chosen because her dad was involved somehow. They go back to her house and find a folder just as a crazy reporter gets there and starts telling them about the inhumans.

This was an interesting episode in that it got a lot of things right and a lot of things so terribly wrong which I guess averages out to mediocre. The Simon storyline was great. A lot of these characters have no back story and it is difficult at times to really care about them. Did I care when Simon got crushed by the building? No, but the story did help in me being interested in the character at all, so I thought this was a step in the right direction. Not that it was not obvious that this situation would happen to some of the inhuman; after all, their DNA is only 1 or 2 % different from ours so while certainly a different species, they might be able to procreate with us. Even though it was expected, the story line was a welcome addition that did not have anything to do with huge explosions, although it was remarkably short. On a better show we might have half an episode, or snippets across the season shown that would introduce us to Violet and get us to care about Simon. But this is the Event, which means we get something like 5 to 10 minute scenes in one episode, and that is all that is allowed for Violet.

On the inhuman side of things we find out that Sophia can speak an Asian language, which I cannot tell apart so I am not going to guess at. Now presuming that she did not study languages in prison, this only leads me further to believe that they are from another dimension with very similar characteristics to our own. The alien thing I think is just there to throw us off the scent, and I am not buying it. Of course I will look like a fool if they really are from Andromeda or something, but I will take that risk.

So now let’s go to what was horribly wrong with this episode: Paula Malcomson as crazy reporter. Never mind the fact that I am so tired of the crazy-conspiracy-theorist-that-is-not-actually-crazy-but-knows-the-truth Hollywood cliché, but it just feels like such a waste of Paula Malcomson. I have seen her in a few other shows (notably Deadwood and Caprica), and I know how this one is going to force her into acting the cliché out, and I am not happy about this. On some level I can see how Sean and Leila need to be brought into the main storyline so all of these people can be brought together at the end of the season for some cool “event”, but this still feels like a really lame way to do this. Why could they not have just read the stupid folder and left Malcomson to be someone else, perhaps someone badass? Why the stupid conspiracy theory crap? I guess because it is easy and we wouldn’t want our writers or audience to struggle with compelling dialogue and interesting characters. Yay for mediocrity!

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