Friday, October 8, 2010

The Event – S1 E03 – “Protect Them from the Truth”

This week, Sean finds out Vichy has many different identities through the FBI computer and the agents conjecture she might be NSA. Sean gets re-captured by the FBI after escaping and then the Yuma headquarters get shot up by the enemy, so he goes on the run with the female agent. Meanwhile, Blake and the president try to strike a deal with the prisoners but the only one who wanted the deal gets killed by another prisoner. Blake becomes aware of Sean’s existence. Leila is transported by Vichy to a shipping container. Finally, all of the passengers we thought were dead are actually alive.

So what did we learn this week? Pretty much nothing. We still do not know what or who these inhumans are, nor do we know whether they are the ones that are attacking Sean or if there are two inhuman factions, or if there is a governmental organization unknown by the president or Blake that is trying to do something nefarious that we do not know about. Really we know pretty much nothing.

What we do know is that explosions still happen right as you are driving away from the crime and your hacking will succeed right at the moment you are found by the FBI while hiding in their facility. We also know that you will not be searched when being transported from a highly secret government prison to a regular hotel for anything weapon like. The first two do not really bother me since I cannot say I was really expecting anything different, but the last one just shows a serious lack of imagination. They are high up in a hotel, why could Maya just not push her boyfriend out the window? That is at least plausible.

I was very annoyed by the president not approving torture but “having a better method”. I have to say that these action shows really need to get their act together. They look at shows like Lost and 24 and yet they do not learn anything. For one thing, in its first season (or maybe second? it’s been awhile…) Lost had Sayid torture Sawyer for medicine. You see a plane disappear in thin air and over 100 people supposedly murdered with no discernible wounds on their body and you are not scared out of your mind? I mean I was not scared because I find it all a little silly, but if I was the president I would be going crazy with worry. There is literally no way that they could possibly protect themselves from that level of technology, and if they have the opportunity to get information then I say any method is a good method as long as it gets answers.

Although I do have to say, I am worried that the answers will not be good enough. Lost managed this well by having new questions every time they answered something in a lame way, so you always had to know more. But how do you explain these inhumans having this technology yet not being able to bust their people out?

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